Why Homeless Ministry?

Meets weekly following worship. We prepare snacks, water and in winter, gloves, hats, socks, scarves to help meet the needs of the homeless. We pray with them if allowed, then share bibles and tracts with them.

This ministry prepares bags of hygiene items that they share with the homeless. Members also carry these bags in their cars to give to those they meet on the street.

Gathering Schedule

Saturdays at 1:00pm


13305 Kemper Ave
Independence, MO 64050-1512

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Every Saturday

9:45am: Bible Study

11:00am: Worship Service

1:00pm: Intercessory Prayer Ministry

1:00pm: Homeless Ministry

1:00pm: Bible Correspondence School

Every Third Saturday

1:00pm: Fellowship Meal


6:30pm: Small Groups